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Posted by: Caring
Category: Blog


Gaming cloud provider Ksyun has released a copy of the 2015 China Mobile Gaming Industry Report, which revealed that action and RPG games are the leading categories in Chinese mobile gaming.

As translated by Mantin Lu of Gamasutra, Ksyun analyzed more than 800 games on its platform in 2015. Their study reveals 22.86% of games on Ksyun were RPGs, 20% were ARPGs and 18.57% were card games.

Martial Arts was the most prominent theme across all categories, with 22.97% of all games revolving around this theme. Games covering the Three Kingdoms theme came in second at 14.86%, with games tied to TV series coming in third at 13.51%.

33% of Chinese gamers prioritize the smoothness of the ‘fighting experience’ in a game, with 24.88% prioritizing the simulation aspects of a game and 21.65% prioritizing social interaction.

The report also notes that games affiliated with existing intellectual properties saw higher click-through and conversion rates. This suggests that Chinese mobile gamers are more liable to study and then download games from franchises they recognize.

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Author: Caring