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4 Steps to Launch Your Games in China

Posted by: APPTUTTi
Category: Blog,News

So you have been pouring your creative juices for hours into developing your game and it is finally time to release it into the world to thrive and mature.

You know that international exposure is the way forward but unfortunately, for the largest mobile market in the world, there have been multiple barriers that have prevented your dream from being realized. The struggles have included language and communication barriers, localization issues regarding social media platforms and payment tools, a fragmented market structure and legal concerns such as intellectual property protection and ISBN approval for your creative expressions. But no one should be subject to a selection process before its target audience is even afforded a chance to test it out and reach their conclusion. So this is where APPTUTTi comes in. We are the first 24/7 online portal that enables app and game developers to launch their projects in China. We are your bridge to over 1 billion mobile users, accounting for one-third of the world market. In 4 simple steps, APPTUTTi will take you on this important journey to break you free from your bad dream.

Who is APPTUTTi? learn more HERE!

Step 1: Register Your Games

The first step is to register with our partner resources portal. Think of this as obtaining your ticket to cross the bridge into China. Registration only takes a few minutes and once registered, you will be able to submit your games, access the SDK resources needed to localise them, review their performances and carry out monetization options. The registration process involves providing us with basic details about yourself or your company, your contact details and your bank details for monetization purposes. You may also register using your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. And once your account has been verified, you’re journey across the bridge has begun.

Watch our Portal Registration Tutorial HERE

Step 2: Submit Your Games

The next step is to submit your games to our team at APPTUTTi for content review. This step is as straightforward as the first and should be completed within 30 minutes. Simply click on the large ‘submit’ button at the top of the portal to begin the process. If your app or game is on the Google Play store you can quicken the submission process substantially by inserting your Google Play link.

Enter the name and descriptions of your game, upload some graphics and enter some contact details. We can provide you with IP protection services if your trademark is not yet registered. Then fill in the fields on the specification page using the drop down menus. You will also be able to select your preferred monetization model(s) here. The options include subscriptions, video ads and banners, in-app purchases and paid downloads. If you are unable to replace your existing social media login options (Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube) with local Chinese ones (WeChat, QQ, Weibo), our SDK can help you solve this in the next step. Then upload your latest APK for review and various screenshots, banners and graphics for illustration purposes and to help us promote your app in the local stores. Some final important issues on billing points and you are ready to submit your project.

Game Submission Tutorial Part 1 HERE

As part of the submission process, you were probably unable to fill in the fields requesting the Chinese versions of your game’s name and descriptions, resulting in the rejection of your submission. But do not fret! As part of APPTUTTi’s one-stop service, we will provide you with a free and professional translation service for your first 1,000 words. Simply send us an English language pack through the partner portal and we will return a Chinese version to you within 48 hours.

Game Submission Tutorial Part 2 HERE

Step 3: Plug Your Games

The purpose of this step is for you to ‘plug’ our SuperSDK into your game to localize and integrate it with the market standards in China and the expectations of its local users. As most foreign in-app advertisements are blocked in China, the integration of local advertising tools is one of the most important steps you need to take to ensure that your game can properly be monetized. With our Android and Unity SuperSDK packages and our easy to follow guides and tutorials, you will be able to integrate both video and interstitial ads into your games with a few clicks along with data mining and local social networking features.

View our SDK Integration Tutorial HERE

Step 4: Publish Your Games

This final step is as simple as waiting for your journey across the bridge to finish and for your dream to come true, only this time, it does! Once your game has successfully been published in China—we provide access to three major app stores for free—you can continue to monitor its performance in real-time through the portal. The performance statistics available to view are grouped into user data, stores, geography, devices, adverts and transactions. Finally, the monetization page lets you keep track of the advertising revenue your game has collected and withdraw the balance. Welcome to China!

View Performance Stats and Monetization Tutorial HERE


APPTUTTi believe that everyone should have access to the world’s largest mobile market. These 4 steps are the quickest and most efficient way to publish apps and games in China.

Register here: https://www.apptutti.com/partners/registration.php

Author: APPTUTTi