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DDCP Success Story: Cell to Singularity Reaches Top 10

Posted by: APPTUTTi
Category: Blog

DDCP Success Story

Cell to Singularity’s Dragon Boat Festival Boost

You may recall that we featured the success of Cell to Singularity at the start of the year...

A few months on and we’re back with an exciting update! 

Earlier in June, Cell to Singularity was launched in the App Store and projected to reach the top 50 chart for free apps. Our DDCP team got to work in anticipation of a boost during the Dragon Boat Festival break.  

Monday came and while some of our team was busy recharging over sticky rice dumplings, others were anxiously refreshing the charts: Cell to Singularity creeped into the top 10 for free apps and peaked at 7th place. What wonderful news it was to start off the week!

So what is it about this educational game that had it attract over 10 million downloads on Google Play and has now captured the hearts of players across China?

Members of our TUTTi Club community were referred to Cell to Singularity through word of mouth and Bilibili, a popular video sharing site in China. One member in particular described the leisurely rhythm as the reason for it being their dream game. 

With such an epic premise for an adventure that takes players through an extraordinary tale of evolution, technology and humanity, it's no wonder that the key to success of Cell to Singularity laid in its pacing - one that allowed its players to fully absorb and be transported into worlds where every cosmic click turns a new page in evolution.

Do you want to experience the ultimate partnership with us where services are tailored to fit your publishing needs and launch your games to fanfare and commercial success in China?

Our Deep Dive Customization Program is where you want to be and our DDCP team at APPTUTTi is on the constant lookout for promising games and the next big hit in China. Read about how Tom discovered Cell to Singularity and seized the opportunity to bring it to the world's largest mobile market with a DDCP invitation.

Ready to launch your games in China?

Author: APPTUTTi