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APPTUTTi > Services > Publishing License (ISBN) Services

Publishing License (ISBN) Services

Apps and games that have in-app purchases are required to have 2 documents for publication in China. An IP protection certificate and a publishing license (ISBN). APPTUTTi helps partners apply and register for these documents through our professional dedicated team. The estimated application time a publishing license can take from 6-9 months. Partners that want to earn in China while waiting for these documents are encouraged to create an advertisement monetization version of their projects, to earn while you wait. 


APPTUTTi offers a one-stop solution that combines the registration and application processes. Our services include documentation preparation, registration application and monitoring the approval status until the release of official IP certification and publishing license documentation.


IP Registration and Publishing License are strictly required for GAMING Apps to be published on the major app stores in China. Other types of Apps are NOT required for such registration or protection services.

Partners Responsibilities

Before using our IP registration and protection services, you must:

  • Provide your official business license or copy of your personal ID through your partner account.
  • Complete the app submission
    • The app submitted MUST be fully translated into Simplified Chinese, including the app title, description and content.
  • Submit the partial source code of the app
    • The first 1500 and the last 1500 lines of the source codes from the specific app in Word format for IP rights verification.
  • Upload a special unblocked version of the translated app (the test app file).
    • This should be free of any non-app related content i.e. no banner and/or video advertising, no developer and/or copyright information (including name(s) or website(s), copyright notice, staff acknowledgement) on landing or ending pages, nor any screen interfaces inside the app.
    • In cases where the app requires a user login, a super user account with passcode MUST be provided.
    • In cases where there are in-app purchase billing points, all the billing points MUST be unconditionally unlocked.
  • Provide an authorization letter for the specific app. Please refer to our sample and template.


  • The test app file and the related information provided are solely for registration and publishing application purposes and will be sent to the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT) for examination. For commercial publishing purpose, please follow the regular app submission procedure on your Dashboard accordingly.
  • It is NOT necessary to send the full version of the App File for this examination purpose. A stripped down version of the App File is preferable.

APPTUTTi Service Steps

  • Based on the information and materials provided by the partner, create an official application form to be submitted for IP registration.
  • Submit the required documents and materials to the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of the People’s Republic of China (SAPPRFT).
  • Closely monitor the status of the application process. Generally, the estimated lead time of the whole process in 90 – 120 days.
  • Once the certificate is ready, upload it to the partner’s dashboard