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Looking back on 2015: Eight Chinese mobile gaming market there is the phenomenon of

Posted by: Caring
Category: Blog

Although the spring of 2016, but looking back the past in 2015, occurred in the Chinese mobile game market story is still worthy of our inventory and summary Recently, TalkingData released << 2015 >> mobile gaming industry report, report from mobile gaming industry, the crowd portraits, usage behavior, and segment type multi-angle analysis of industry trends in 2015 mobile games market conditions. If you read the report carefully, you will find many of the data may also be 2016 China mobile gaming market trends brought reference:

First, the active device the size of 10 billion

In the demographic dividend waning trend, the mobile gaming industry subscriber growth pressure attendant 2015. Q4, domestic mobile gaming devices reached 1.01 billion active user scale growth continued to slow, the objective for the development of enterprise-scale benefits and put pressure on the industry to compete on user gets fiercer.


Second, the income scale industry 49.2 billion

2015 mobile game industry revenues nearly 50 billion mark, reaching 49.27 billion, an increase of 97.8%, the income scale than 3 years ago nearly doubled 10 times, the rapid growth of the mobile gaming market, promote industrial upgrading and transformation of the game, for the game and animation , film, literature, arts and other integration development to create a favorable market environment.


Third, the scale of mobile gaming CP 31800

As of 2015 Q4, mobile gaming CP reached 31,800, a further slowdown in growth by the monopoly influence of large game companies pushing into the mobile gaming industry Matthew increasingly severe, mobile gaming industry to invest more cautious users drift towards minority game, facing a large number of small and medium CP is integrated or eliminated crisis.



Fourth, the game activity maximum increase of 80%

Year on year in 2014 Q4 mobile games MAU, Android platform MAU increased in 2015 Q4 80.4%, iOS platform is an increase of 21.7%, with a large number of game companies to increase in severe product marketing efforts to promote the game in 2015, and other types of action and role-playing mobile gaming MAU growth more apparent.


Five main types of games casual games

Mobile games covering TOP20 based mainly in the casual game, in which the elimination of classes and parkour play casual games accounted for seven.


Six games into the trend of moderate to severe

2015 new online games, role playing in class more and more severe, both classic PC games transplant network also covers the adaptation of novels, the low active, high ARPU qualities favored by the game companies, such as Mir << >>, << >> and << Westward Journey through the fire gunfight king >> and so on.


Seven, IP Type flourishing

With the mobile gaming industry to maintain intellectual property (IP enhanced efforts to obtain increasing animation, literature, movies and classic game adaptation genuine authority or right to move the game works, in 2015, the new online game works, animation, and magic Three other subjects by the mobile game developers favor.


Eight, the market development was centralized

2015 mobile games market concentration trend began to increase, channels, talent, IP and other high-quality resources continue to flow to large enterprises, small teams of living space is further squeezed, while large enterprises by enhancing research and development, investment promotion, investment and operations, such as developed multiple product lines, steering moderate to severe works and mergers and acquisitions of small team, etc., on the one hand to enhance the game LTV value and user viscosity, reduce the risk of a single product and connections vacancies, it also raised the standard product development and user acquisition cost, profit-sharing and compressed space of financing small team.



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Author: Caring