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5 things to avoid when getting your mobile game translated in Chinese

Posted by: Caring
Category: Blog

There are 1.3 billion people living in China, and it is still growing. With this large population, and extensive territory; there is no doubt that China has multiple dialects in addition to the official language: Mandarin.

Having a professional and trustable translation can be sometimes difficult and let’s face it, you have no way to check if the job was perfectly done.

Thanks to the increase in mobile consumption in China in the last years, the needs of new and original content from outside, has also risen. Allowing businesses to venture into the Chinese market. In the specific case of app developers, they have found an interesting and profitable niche where the first barrier is the language.

Translating a mobile game might not be taken as a big barrier, especially since in many mobile games there are a few and easy words to translate; however, if it is not done accurately it can affect the success and finally the user retention of your game.

This is why here is a list of 5 things to avoid when getting your mobile game translated in Chinese:

1. Cultural background

Chinese language is complex. One word can be expressed in different ways, so it is good to provide the background to the agency who is helping you with the translation, this way they can be careful and take this background into consideration when translating.

2. Check other games translation

Do not check other people’s mobile games. As much as you think that other game is similar to yours, you simply never know what are they saying for sure.

3. Checking on Google Translation

Google is a powerful tool. It can indeed translate short and long text, but you never can trust it 100% as it takes the first and simple translation, and perhaps this won’t be the most accurate; but if you do, take always the option of Simplify Chinese ?

4. Avoid idioms, Jargon, and slang words

Staying away from jargon and slang words that wouldn’t be recognized in other parts of the world, in this case in China, is the best way to go. Using standard terminology doesn’t hurt either.


5. Not seeking clarification

You can always check in forums, chat groups, or even with a Chinese in China Town!– ok, that one was kidding :-P, but yes, there are many ways where you can quickly double check the correct translation, so that you are 100% sure of it.

You don’t need to go through the hustle or the painful process to translate your mobile game, APPTUTTi can do it for you. You can have access to our translation service for free by signing up here , and follow the process through to launch your game in China!


You may also be interested in: How to develop a successful app for the Chinese market


We are APPTUTTi, a company that provides services to app developers who want to launch their mobile apps and games in China and emerging markets.

Visit our website to learn more.

Author: Caring